TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası

This guide has been prepared in the light of the principles included in our Working Program in order to ensure the integrity and continuity of the institutional identity of the TMMOB Chamber of Geological Engineers.

By determining the corporate identity standards of our Chamber with this guide, we have achieved a guiding document in the production and use of all printed and visual materials of our Headquarters, Branches and Representatives and all kinds of activities organized by the chamber units.

This guide is based on the corporate identity of the Chamber of Geological Engineers and it aims to serve the reflection of the chamber in accordance with the standards in all kinds of professional, cultural and sports activities organized by branches and representative offices. Therefore, even when making special designs for all kinds of events, the Corporate Identity Guide of the Chamber of Geological Engineers should be considered.

The meticulous implementation of corporate identity will allow the Chamber of Geological Engineers to be presented to the public as a whole and to be included in the memories.

While designing new elements of the corporate identity of the Chamber of Geological Engineers, the standards contained in this manual must be meticulously followed.

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Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası