TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası

In alignment with the main regulations of the Chamber of Geological Engineers and the decisions of the General Assembly, in line with the goals, values, behavioral standards and strategies, all geological engineers and geological engineering students in our country are registered as members, ensuring solidarity between their colleagues, defining the rights and powers of their members in the professional fields and protecting and developing these rights and powers working in the direction of education, following the developments in education, science and technology, contributing to the experience, knowledge and development of their colleagues, leading the training of individuals who are committed to professional ethical values, carrying the importance of geological science and practices to social consciousness, and fulfilling their duty of informing and warning on practices related to geological engineering and thus enlightening the public opinion, taking action with the acceptance that occupational problems cannot be handled separate from the national problems and ensuring that the structure is formed to support the equality, freedom, justice, democracy and law struggle of the people all over the country.

Okunma Sayısı: 3327
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Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası